Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Question and the Answer

She hasn't felt well. She can't seem to heal. She sweats all the time. Holy crap she can't stop itching!
Blood tests...more blood tests...even more...geez are they vampires. She is already anemic!! There's a's supposed to be small like the tip of your's a walnut..this can't be good! Ok, stay positive. Ok, she has to go for a biopsy...keep positive...waiting...I HATE waiting...even more I hate the ringing of the phone...I know I have to answer it...I don't want to...I have to! She's on the other end and I know the answer before she says the words..."It's cancer!" She crys...I cry...gotta keep it together for her...hold it...almost done...hold on, don't crack...I'll call you later....The world crashes!...I crash!...I can't stop the tears...more tears...go to the other room and tell Vicki...we cry, we sob, MAD, scared, MAD, confused, cry some more...we can do this??...we have to!! We go into the room and tell the others...I can't be strong and tell them...I cry! I tell them that she wants us to not cry around her...lots of jokes...JOKES!?! Is she CRAZY!!!????....Ok, fine we'll make a "Joke Wall"...rally the the wagons...We'll laugh this damn cancer away!! can't won't win...WAIT!...I need to cry some more...I cry for her...for him...for them...for us...for me...She's my best friend and cancer CAN NOT have her!!

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